Ever wonder if kids can be entrepreneurs? Read along to see how kids are already learning the skills necessary to be an entrepreneur and how you can help encourage them.
As adults, we see more and more entrepreneurs being spun out of the wheelhouse in quick succession. Small businesses are expanding throughout the country. Buying local is celebrated, and consumers appreciate a personalized shopping experience.
Adults are finally realizing that it is okay to follow their dreams and become entrepreneurs. Lawyers are quitting their day jobs to become bakers. Women are turning a side hustle into 6 figures from home. Business men and women are leaving the corporate world to pursue their passions and missions. A mission that makes them happy.
We don’t have to wait our whole lives to give ourselves permission to pursue our dreams. We don’t have to jump on the corporate wagon and join the rat race of meaningless paper pushing, hectic schedules, sleepless nights, and overall depression. In fact, our kids don’t have to either. It is okay to teach our kids to believe in themselves and to work toward accomplishing their dreams.
Help Kids Skip the Rat Race and Become Entrepreneurs too
Why let our children repeat this cycle of choosing corporate safety over their own dreams? Why punish them with the same fate that we have fought when we live in a world full of resources and innovation that promotes independence, mission, and success? With the right skills, kids can pursue their dreams and become entrepreneurs from the beginning. Their dreams are not just “cute” ideas that’ll pass. Kids are naturally creative. The time you take now to encourage your child’s entrepreneurial dreams and help teach them the skills necessary to run their own business, is time less spent on them doubting themselves or getting caught up in someone else’s “perfect life”.
So, what is an entrepreneur? And what skills are kids already learning that they can use toward becoming an entrepreneur? Continue reading Hope for Kids who Want to Follow their Dreams for 5 skills kids are already learning in school that can be directed toward becoming an entrepreneur.
With the right skills, kids can pursue their dreams and become entrepreneurs from the beginning.